Real Life Drama: Compassion

Grow Caring Kids with Compassion and Empathy

  • Artist Residency
  • Grades 3-5
  • 8 Sessions x 50 Minutes
  • Up to 30 Students
  • 1600

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Kids have a huge capacity for kindness!

As an educator, there are probably few things that brighten your day like kind words or a hug from a student. However, like all human beings, kids can also be uncaring or downright mean. In elementary school, children are still developing empathy -- the capacity to feel what others are feeling. What can you do to help your students consider the needs of others?

Picture a workshop where your students are learning to treat each other with compassion and respect. They’re practicing reflective listening skills, growing to appreciate diversity, and learning strategies to resolve conflicts. But this isn’t a lecture! Your students are getting hands-on practice with empathy and compassion through role-playing. In other words, they’re trying real-life skills without real-life consequences.

That's what Real Life Drama is all about. Our series of eight 50-minute workshops will engage and transform your students!

  • Being a Friend
  • Popularity and Peer Pressure
  • Appreciating Differences
  • All About Empathy
  • Building Integrity
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Stopping Bullies
  • When You're a Bully

We require that a teacher or staff member from your organization attends each workshop to assist in supervising the students. We strongly recommend at least two staff members if the setting is outside of a regular classroom environment (like a treatment facility or community center). Real Life Drama is most effective when the same students experience all eight sessions. $250 is the cost for a single workshop. If you schedule all eight workshops at the same school during the same academic year, you’ll receive a discount, resulting in the price shown above.

Teaching, Modeling, and Practice


We begin each session by TEACHING a skill, like reflective listening or resisting peer pressure, through interactive learning and technology.


We MODEL the skill with a short video and a demonstration by the teaching artist.


During the heart of the Real Life Drama experience, students PRACTICE the skill through role-playing.

We Deliver Results

Since 2007, Drama by George has impacted more than 115,000 students across the Kentuckiana region. When we collaborated with a Louisville elementary school to measure Real Life Drama's effectiveness among 4th and 5th graders, we discovered that 3 out of 4 students said they learned new things from the program, while 70% affirmed that it helped them treat their classmates better. There was also substantial growth in these self-reported measures:

"I know how to make new friends when I feel lonely or left out": 13% growth
"After someone makes fun of me, I’m good at figuring out ways to help myself feel better": 16% growth
"When I had a disagreement with someone, I took the time to listen to her point of view": 11% growth
"I chose to tell the truth even when I knew it might get me in trouble": 18% growth
"When I got angry, I stopped to think about what might happen as a result of my actions before I made a choice": 15% growth

The Most Important Thing You Learned (According to Our Students)

“To never . . . put my hands on someone when I’m mad.”
“The most important thing I learned was integrity.”
“Treat others the way you want to be treated.”
“Help someone who is being bullied.”
“How to react when your feelings get hurt.”
“Your actions have consequences.”

Take the first step towards a brighter school climate when you schedule Real Life Drama!


Prices are subject to change. A travel charge applies for destinations outside of a 20-mile radius from our office near downtown Louisville.