B.B. Wolfe Gets Schooled
A play about empathy, bullying, and a Big, Bad Wolf!
Bullying, Empathy
Comedy, Fractured Fairy Tale, Social Emotional Learning
3 Males, 17 Females
55 minutes
Elementary, Theatre for Young Audiences
He's BIG . . . he's BAD . . . and he's a BULLY! Fifth grader B.B. Wolfe is the biggest bully at Fairy Tale Academy. That’s why the principal, Ms. Fahree, decides to use her magical powers to transform B.B. into the kids he’s been picking on. As B.B. walks a mile in his classmates’ shoes, he learns how they’ve been hurt by his actions. As he grows to understand his classmates, he commits to turning his bullying behavior around. He begins treating others with kindness! The play equips elementary students to empathize with the unseen struggles of their peers . . . and stop their own bullying behavior before it starts.
Read most of the play before you buy!
(The ending will be omitted from the preview)
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